In the recent past, Oregon Sheriffs have taken a vocal and passionate stand in defense of the 2nd Amendment rights of the people who elected them. Now? With a tiny number of exceptions, like Sheriff Glenn Palmer of Grant County, who has proudly stood for gun rights, the sheriffs and the Sheriffs Association have been silent.
The Sheriffs of Oregon are the last bastion of defense against the tyranny of the Portland controlled legislature, but despite promises to take a stand, they have been AWOL on the coming legislation to require that you beg for permission from the State Police before you can exercise your "right" to keep and bear arms.
If you don't think the failed background check system can hurt you, consider the email OFF received today from a gun dealer.
In the recent past, Oregon Sheriffs have taken a vocal and passionate stand in defense of the 2nd Amendment rights of the people who elected them. Now? With a tiny number of exceptions, like Sheriff Glenn Palmer of Grant County, who has proudly stood for gun rights, the sheriffs and the Sheriffs Association have been silent.
The Sheriffs of Oregon are the last bastion of defense against the tyranny of the Portland controlled legislature, but despite promises to take a stand, they have been AWOL on the coming legislation to require that you beg for permission from the State Police before you can exercise your "right" to keep and bear arms.
If you don't think the failed background check system can hurt you, consider the email OFF received today from a gun dealer.
In his message he said "I currently am the FFL licensee for my gun store. On 3-20-15 I purchased a Ruger 10/22 for a birthday present for my wife. Imagine my surprise when an employee of mine ran a background on me, the ffl holder, and a delay until May 1st was returned as a response. That's a 41 day delay for someone licensed by the federal government to handle the sale and disposition of firearms. It is no wonder why I have simple transfers that are still pending from as early as the first of November 2014 in my files from people who have never committed a crime in their life. This should not only be a severe outrage to me, and those like me, but also to any who hold our system with even the slightest regard."
This kind of insane nonsense has to stop, and it has to stop here. Please contact the Oregon Sheriff's Association and tell them you expect them to take a stand, now, to protect your rights.
You can find contact info for your sheriff here.
Please consider a message to the President of the Oregon State Sheriff's Association, Jason Myers, asking him why he, and so many other sheriffs, have been silent on the latest attack on your rights and your privacy.
Contact info for Sheriff Myers ([email protected])
Sample message:
Dear Sheriff Myers,
In the past, many Oregon Sheriffs have proudly stood in defense of the 2nd Amendment Rights of the people who elected them. Now, even though your own county, Marion, has joined over 20 other Oregon counties in opposition to more restrictions on our rights, the Oregon State Sheriff's Association has been silent on the latest attack, SB 941. You knew this bill was coming. It was no secret. When are you, and the other sheriff's going to stand up against this attack on my liberty and privacy?
This kind of insane nonsense has to stop, and it has to stop here. Please contact the Oregon Sheriff's Association and tell them you expect them to take a stand, now, to protect your rights.
You can find contact info for your sheriff here.
Please consider a message to the President of the Oregon State Sheriff's Association, Jason Myers, asking him why he, and so many other sheriffs, have been silent on the latest attack on your rights and your privacy.
Contact info for Sheriff Myers ([email protected])
Sample message:
Dear Sheriff Myers,
In the past, many Oregon Sheriffs have proudly stood in defense of the 2nd Amendment Rights of the people who elected them. Now, even though your own county, Marion, has joined over 20 other Oregon counties in opposition to more restrictions on our rights, the Oregon State Sheriff's Association has been silent on the latest attack, SB 941. You knew this bill was coming. It was no secret. When are you, and the other sheriff's going to stand up against this attack on my liberty and privacy?