On Tuesday, with very little fanfare or attention, the City Council of McMinnville unanimously passed a pointless and unenforceable ban on loaded carry.
In an email to OFF, the McMinnville City Attorney said "We discussed that our police officers could not walk up to someone openly carrying and demand that they show whether the gun was loaded or not unless there were (sic) probable cause. We discussed that, if someone wanted to, s/he could simply keep walking and not engage with an officer at all."
She also said "While I would not say there's been an "issue" with people carrying in our parks, I would say that the incidents are increasing and that interest in the subject is increasing."
CHL holders are not affected and non chl holders can open carry if unloaded, and police have no authority to determine if guns are loaded or not. So really, what was the point?
It seems McMinnville is hoping to become the new "go to" location for open carry protesters.
Contact info for the City Council can be found here or see the webpage version of this alert.