All of us at the National Shooting Sports Foundation extend the warmest of holiday greetings to all of our members. This year, in lieu of mailing printed holiday cards to our 10,000 members, we've made a donation of $10,000 on behalf of our entire membership to Honored American Veterans Afield. HAVA is an organization dedicated to the needs of returning disabled veterans and active duty personnel, whose healing and re-integration in American life can be substantially enhanced by participation in hunting and the shooting sports.
We wish you the happiest of holidays and a very prosperous New Year.
All of us at NSSF
All of us at the National Shooting Sports Foundation extend the warmest of holiday greetings to all of our members. This year, in lieu of mailing printed holiday cards to our 10,000 members, we've made a donation of $10,000 on behalf of our entire membership to Honored American Veterans Afield. HAVA is an organization dedicated to the needs of returning disabled veterans and active duty personnel, whose healing and re-integration in American life can be substantially enhanced by participation in hunting and the shooting sports.
We wish you the happiest of holidays and a very prosperous New Year.
All of us at NSSF