Yesterday the Corvallis Human Services Committee voted to move a ban on loaded firearms to the full city council.
Was this based on any actual incidents of violence or accidents involving openly carried firearms on public property?
Was this the result of a long, reasoned debate that identified a real issue or problem?
No, this was the result of one member of the committee, Penny York, getting in touch with her feelings.
As the Corvallis Gazette-Times reported; "York, who admitted that her "decision is colored by my feelings," described her experience of knowing five people who have died from gunfire, four by suicide and one in a hunting incident."
Yesterday the Corvallis Human Services Committee voted to move a ban on loaded firearms to the full city council.
Was this based on any actual incidents of violence or accidents involving openly carried firearms on public property?
Was this the result of a long, reasoned debate that identified a real issue or problem?
No, this was the result of one member of the committee, Penny York, getting in touch with her feelings.
As the Corvallis Gazette-Times reported; "York, who admitted that her "decision is colored by my feelings," described her experience of knowing five people who have died from gunfire, four by suicide and one in a hunting incident."
What this has to do with lawful open carry is a mystery. But then, when dealing with gun grabbers, any logic or reason takes a vacation.
As Richard Johnson, a 2nd Amendment defender who was at the meeting put it; "I was surprised to finally hear the truth from Councilwoman York today. In a trance-like soliloquy she detailed her reason for supporting the loaded open carry ban. It had absolutely nothing to do with the open carry of a handgun. It also had nothing to do with pubic safety, or reduction of violence. It wasn't even about the "fear factor" which was repeated in the three minute testimonies again and again. By her own admission it was all about Councilwoman York and her own personal desire to take guns away from everyone (except the police for whom she professed a great fondness). There was no attempt to hide the truth."
So the rights of the people of Corvallis, and anyone who visits, are going to be trampled on because of Councilor York's "feelings" Not because of any facts. Not because of any real problem. Just because of her "feelings".
According the the Gazette Times, three times as many people spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance as supported it, but York's "feelings" carried the day, and now the ban moves to the full council. The council is scheduled to take this up at its 6:30 p.m. meeting Nov. 3 at the downtown fire station, 400 N.W. HarrisonBlvd.
Let's fill that room.
Ceasefire Oregon and "Moms Demand Action" were there to spread their usual lies and hysteria. It's important the the truth gets a hearing as well
The other committee member who was there for the vote, Bruce Sorte, claimed "most" of the emails he received were "in support" of the ban. He needs to know what you think. Creating restrictions on your rights and ability to protect yourself and your family based on delusions and paranoia is not a rational way to make laws. Let's stop this illness before it spreads.
Penny York is living in a parallel universe. She is probably beyond help. So let's hope the other members of the council have some grasp on reality.
Contact info for the entire council is available here.
As Richard Johnson, a 2nd Amendment defender who was at the meeting put it; "I was surprised to finally hear the truth from Councilwoman York today. In a trance-like soliloquy she detailed her reason for supporting the loaded open carry ban. It had absolutely nothing to do with the open carry of a handgun. It also had nothing to do with pubic safety, or reduction of violence. It wasn't even about the "fear factor" which was repeated in the three minute testimonies again and again. By her own admission it was all about Councilwoman York and her own personal desire to take guns away from everyone (except the police for whom she professed a great fondness). There was no attempt to hide the truth."
So the rights of the people of Corvallis, and anyone who visits, are going to be trampled on because of Councilor York's "feelings" Not because of any facts. Not because of any real problem. Just because of her "feelings".
According the the Gazette Times, three times as many people spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance as supported it, but York's "feelings" carried the day, and now the ban moves to the full council. The council is scheduled to take this up at its 6:30 p.m. meeting Nov. 3 at the downtown fire station, 400 N.W. HarrisonBlvd.
Let's fill that room.
Ceasefire Oregon and "Moms Demand Action" were there to spread their usual lies and hysteria. It's important the the truth gets a hearing as well
The other committee member who was there for the vote, Bruce Sorte, claimed "most" of the emails he received were "in support" of the ban. He needs to know what you think. Creating restrictions on your rights and ability to protect yourself and your family based on delusions and paranoia is not a rational way to make laws. Let's stop this illness before it spreads.
Penny York is living in a parallel universe. She is probably beyond help. So let's hope the other members of the council have some grasp on reality.
Contact info for the entire council is available here.