With the primary elections behind us, and the summer having arrived, it's time to catch up.
First of course, are the results of the primary elections.
Dr Monica Wehby will be facing anti-gun radical Jeff Merkley for US Senate. While we endorsed Wehby's opponent, Jason Conger, we wish her the best in this important race.
Oregon Congressional races will be interesting.
In the First Congressional District, Suzanne Bonamici (who made a career of anti-gun activism when she served in the Oregon Legislature) will be facing Jason Yates who is a staunch supporter of gun rights.
First of course, are the results of the primary elections.
Dr Monica Wehby will be facing anti-gun radical Jeff Merkley for US Senate. While we endorsed Wehby's opponent, Jason Conger, we wish her the best in this important race.
Oregon Congressional races will be interesting.
In the First Congressional District, Suzanne Bonamici (who made a career of anti-gun activism when she served in the Oregon Legislature) will be facing Jason Yates who is a staunch supporter of gun rights.
In the Second District, Greg Walden has once again secured the endorsement of the NRA in spite of his anti-gun votes.
In the Third District, Earl Blumenauer, one of the most militant anti-gun extremists in the Congress, faces no real opposition.
In the Fourth, long time incumbent Peter DeFazio will once again be running against (and no doubt defaming) Art Robinson. Robinson is a staunch supporter of gun rights and an OFF member. DeFazio is a hard core leftist who is long past his expiration date in Congress.
The Fifth District race may be the oddest.
Incumbent Democrat Kurt Schrader will be facing Tootie Smith who is a Clackamas County Commissioner. Schrader has been an open supporter of more restrictive gun control yet he, once again, has received the endorsement of the NRA, who in their candidate ratings completely ignored the fact that there were two pro-gun candidatesrunning in the Republican Primary. Schrader, a Democrat, got the NRA endorsement and Republicans Tootie Smith and Ben Pollock, both pro-gun, were never even mentioned.
Smith won that primary against newcomer Pollock and will have an uphill climb against Schrader, a millionaire with an NRA endorsement despite his anti-gun record.
Now onto the battle for control of the Oregon Legislature.
If there were any races you missed, you can see complete results here.
There are some races we'll be watching closely in the general election.
In Oregon Senate District 3, OFF-supported Dave Dotterrer will once again face off with anti-gun Alan Bates. In their last match up, Dave came very close to defeating Bates and we think he has an even better chance this time. Bates is totally out of touch and needs to be replaced.
In Senate Distict 4, anti-gun militant Floyd Prozanski will face newcomer Cheryl Mueller. Mueller is the daughter of former Senator Gary George and the sister of current Senator Larry George. Both Gary and Larry have been consistent supporters of gun rights. Our hope is that it runs in the family.
Senate District 8 will be between current House member Sara Gelser and Betsy Close, who holds the seat now. Close was appointed to this seat and will now be running to keep it. Close was endorsed by OFF and when she served in the Oregon House was a rock solid supporter of gun rights. Gelser is best known for her attempts to ban firearms ownership by foster parents.
In Senate District 11, current Senate President Peter Courtney is being challenged by Patti Milne. Courtney is fiercely anti-gun and best known for his use of dirty tricks and unethical behavior to promote his radical agenda. Milne recently resigned her seat as Marion County Commissioner to run against Courtney. Milne is supported by OFF and is 100% pro-gun. When she served in the Oregon House in the 90's Milne introduced Oregon's first Constitutional Carry bill. She is truly a pioneer for gun rights in Oregon.
In Senate District 13, our hero, House Rep Kim Thatcher, is running against Democrat Ryan Howard. Thatcher has been perhaps Oregon's most prolific creator of pro-gun legislation. It was her dogged efforts that brought us privacy for CHL holders. She is running to fill the seat being vacated by Senator Larry George.
In House District 9 pro-gun activist Casey Runyan will be taking on Caddy McKeown. Casey got lots of media attention when he openly challenged the presence of anti-gun celebrity Mark Kelly at a hearing for an anti-gun bill in Salem.
In House District 25, our pick, radio talk show host Bill Post, beat Barbara Jensen who had been recruited by Julie Parrish who thought Post was too conservative. Post won handily and has no Democratic opponent. While a third party candidate could still file to run, at this time it looks like Bill will win this seat which is being vacated by Kim Thatcher who is running for Senate.
House District 28 will almost certainly be won by Democrat Jeff Barker whose Republican opponent dropped out of the race. Barker has been one of the strongest supporters of gun rights the Oregon House has seen in a long time. Barker has repeatedly taken on his own party to protect Second Amendment in Oregon.
House District 41, previously held by anti-gun extremist Carolyn Tomei will see a race between Kathleen Taylor (D) and Tim Mc Menamin.(R) Tim is an OFF member and solid pro-gun supporter.
Many seats will have only one candidate running. There are 24 races with no Republican candidate and 10 with no Democratic candidate.
On another note, OFF will be raffling another rifle. It's an AR donated by our friends atRRC Firearms and you can get all the details here.
If you are in the Cottage Grove area on June 14th, please consider coming to "Incite Liberty!" at the Western Oregon Exposition Fairgrounds. OFF will be there along with some great speakers and supporters of freedom. All the details are here.
Finally, we'd like to remind you that there is now a great way to support our efforts at the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation that won't cost you a penny.
If you shop at Fred Meyers, they will contribute to our Foundation if you use a Rewards Card. You don't lose any of your points! You keep them all and they donate to OFEF. Hard to beat that deal. It's easy to sign up and all the details are here.
Now get out there and enjoy the weather!
In the Third District, Earl Blumenauer, one of the most militant anti-gun extremists in the Congress, faces no real opposition.
In the Fourth, long time incumbent Peter DeFazio will once again be running against (and no doubt defaming) Art Robinson. Robinson is a staunch supporter of gun rights and an OFF member. DeFazio is a hard core leftist who is long past his expiration date in Congress.
The Fifth District race may be the oddest.
Incumbent Democrat Kurt Schrader will be facing Tootie Smith who is a Clackamas County Commissioner. Schrader has been an open supporter of more restrictive gun control yet he, once again, has received the endorsement of the NRA, who in their candidate ratings completely ignored the fact that there were two pro-gun candidatesrunning in the Republican Primary. Schrader, a Democrat, got the NRA endorsement and Republicans Tootie Smith and Ben Pollock, both pro-gun, were never even mentioned.
Smith won that primary against newcomer Pollock and will have an uphill climb against Schrader, a millionaire with an NRA endorsement despite his anti-gun record.
Now onto the battle for control of the Oregon Legislature.
If there were any races you missed, you can see complete results here.
There are some races we'll be watching closely in the general election.
In Oregon Senate District 3, OFF-supported Dave Dotterrer will once again face off with anti-gun Alan Bates. In their last match up, Dave came very close to defeating Bates and we think he has an even better chance this time. Bates is totally out of touch and needs to be replaced.
In Senate Distict 4, anti-gun militant Floyd Prozanski will face newcomer Cheryl Mueller. Mueller is the daughter of former Senator Gary George and the sister of current Senator Larry George. Both Gary and Larry have been consistent supporters of gun rights. Our hope is that it runs in the family.
Senate District 8 will be between current House member Sara Gelser and Betsy Close, who holds the seat now. Close was appointed to this seat and will now be running to keep it. Close was endorsed by OFF and when she served in the Oregon House was a rock solid supporter of gun rights. Gelser is best known for her attempts to ban firearms ownership by foster parents.
In Senate District 11, current Senate President Peter Courtney is being challenged by Patti Milne. Courtney is fiercely anti-gun and best known for his use of dirty tricks and unethical behavior to promote his radical agenda. Milne recently resigned her seat as Marion County Commissioner to run against Courtney. Milne is supported by OFF and is 100% pro-gun. When she served in the Oregon House in the 90's Milne introduced Oregon's first Constitutional Carry bill. She is truly a pioneer for gun rights in Oregon.
In Senate District 13, our hero, House Rep Kim Thatcher, is running against Democrat Ryan Howard. Thatcher has been perhaps Oregon's most prolific creator of pro-gun legislation. It was her dogged efforts that brought us privacy for CHL holders. She is running to fill the seat being vacated by Senator Larry George.
In House District 9 pro-gun activist Casey Runyan will be taking on Caddy McKeown. Casey got lots of media attention when he openly challenged the presence of anti-gun celebrity Mark Kelly at a hearing for an anti-gun bill in Salem.
In House District 25, our pick, radio talk show host Bill Post, beat Barbara Jensen who had been recruited by Julie Parrish who thought Post was too conservative. Post won handily and has no Democratic opponent. While a third party candidate could still file to run, at this time it looks like Bill will win this seat which is being vacated by Kim Thatcher who is running for Senate.
House District 28 will almost certainly be won by Democrat Jeff Barker whose Republican opponent dropped out of the race. Barker has been one of the strongest supporters of gun rights the Oregon House has seen in a long time. Barker has repeatedly taken on his own party to protect Second Amendment in Oregon.
House District 41, previously held by anti-gun extremist Carolyn Tomei will see a race between Kathleen Taylor (D) and Tim Mc Menamin.(R) Tim is an OFF member and solid pro-gun supporter.
Many seats will have only one candidate running. There are 24 races with no Republican candidate and 10 with no Democratic candidate.
On another note, OFF will be raffling another rifle. It's an AR donated by our friends atRRC Firearms and you can get all the details here.
If you are in the Cottage Grove area on June 14th, please consider coming to "Incite Liberty!" at the Western Oregon Exposition Fairgrounds. OFF will be there along with some great speakers and supporters of freedom. All the details are here.
Finally, we'd like to remind you that there is now a great way to support our efforts at the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation that won't cost you a penny.
If you shop at Fred Meyers, they will contribute to our Foundation if you use a Rewards Card. You don't lose any of your points! You keep them all and they donate to OFEF. Hard to beat that deal. It's easy to sign up and all the details are here.
Now get out there and enjoy the weather!