Douglas Ridge Rifle Club and Clackamas County Partner to deliver QPR training to save lives from suicide
Contact: Fred Weaver, DRRC
In October 2021, Douglas Ridge Rifle Club was our first club to partner with their county on suicide prevention training.
The QPR class is the CPR of the Suicide prevention tools. QPR (Question-Persuade-Refer) is the standard for approaching someone at risk for suicide.
This "County and Gun Club partnership" is the first of many. By partnering in the community our firearms community can lead inthe prevention of suicide.
Galli Murray, Clackamas County's Suicide Prevention Coordinator, describes the importance of this new partnership:
“Including the firearm community in the work of suicide prevention is something that should have happened long ago and by not having these folks at the table, we’ve missed out on some major opportunities to partner in this work. The partnership between DRRC and Clackamas County will allow us to take suicide prevention in Clackamas County to a whole other level and, ultimately, save more lives. By inviting us to provide QPR training to DRRC, the club is signaling a few very important things to its members and the community. The first is that by having QPR offered on site at the club, DRRC is essentially saying to its members and the community: 'we are going to talk about hard stuff here (suicide and mental health) and it’s okay.' The second thing that DRRC is doing is creating an environment where members and the community, in 90 minutes or less, can be trained to know exactly what to do if they are worried about someone and know exactly where to get help.”
TriCounty Gun Club and Washington County are scheduled for January, 2022.
Contact: Fred Weaver, DRRC
In October 2021, Douglas Ridge Rifle Club was our first club to partner with their county on suicide prevention training.
The QPR class is the CPR of the Suicide prevention tools. QPR (Question-Persuade-Refer) is the standard for approaching someone at risk for suicide.
This "County and Gun Club partnership" is the first of many. By partnering in the community our firearms community can lead inthe prevention of suicide.
Galli Murray, Clackamas County's Suicide Prevention Coordinator, describes the importance of this new partnership:
“Including the firearm community in the work of suicide prevention is something that should have happened long ago and by not having these folks at the table, we’ve missed out on some major opportunities to partner in this work. The partnership between DRRC and Clackamas County will allow us to take suicide prevention in Clackamas County to a whole other level and, ultimately, save more lives. By inviting us to provide QPR training to DRRC, the club is signaling a few very important things to its members and the community. The first is that by having QPR offered on site at the club, DRRC is essentially saying to its members and the community: 'we are going to talk about hard stuff here (suicide and mental health) and it’s okay.' The second thing that DRRC is doing is creating an environment where members and the community, in 90 minutes or less, can be trained to know exactly what to do if they are worried about someone and know exactly where to get help.”
TriCounty Gun Club and Washington County are scheduled for January, 2022.