2025 Legislative Summary
Jan. 13, 2025
OSSA continues to support:
First, What Is missing from the list below:
- Legislation that reduces Oregon's mental crisis in suicide. Over 3 of 4 firearms deaths in Oregon are from personal or mental crisis that cumulate in suicide. These are not violent crimes they are tragedies. OSSA leads in providing suicide prevention training to Oregon's firearms owners including children, veterans, and rural populations.
- Legislation that drives accountability for criminals misusing firearms through mandatory sentencing and monitoring by law enforcement.
- Legislation and actions that restore and maintain our US and Oregon Constitutional rights.
First, What Is missing from the list below:
- To support Oregonians struggling with personal crisis and mental illness that could very well lead to suicide. To to do this we need to enable these at risk firearms owners a safe and trusted place to store their firearm away from their home. This concept is often called 'hold your gun'. This is essentially a place, often an FFL, that has lockers for rent where firearms or parts of firearms can be stored away form the home thus providing 'Time and Distance' .
- Shop owners and FFLs fear liability if the parts are returned and the firearm owner, others, are harmed.
- The bill the eliminates liability for Shop Owner, when the firearm owner takes possession of their firearms or firearms components.
- Rep. Tran has championed this in the past and it needs to be revisited.
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Current 2025 Oregon Legislature Watch list:
HB2172 Text Provides for CHL reciprocity
OSSA Position: Support
HB2294 Text Standardizes sentencing for crimes involving theft of a firearm
OSSA Position: Support
HB2392/Text Requires school Districts to develop, review, or revise individual student suicide prevention plans.
OSSA Position: Support
HB2396/Text HB2780/Text CHL qualifies for PTP.
OSSA Position:
HB2467/Text Redefines what is 'dangerous to self or others' to a judgment rather than solely actions.
OSSA Position: Oppose
HB2606/Text HB3074/Text SB0243/Text OSP Background Check Placeholder Bill.
OSSA Position: No Position at this time. If the bills drive true efficiency improvements. However the number of duplicate bills and vague descriptions lend their use as placeholder bills for agendas not yet revealed.
HB2774/Text HB 2774 Prohibits unsupervised parenting rights if the parent commits certain acts with a gun.
OSSA Position: Could Support with Amendment
HB2889/Text Tax credit for background check costs
OSSA Position: No Position
HB3075/Text Measure 114 Rewrite and more
OSSA Position: Opposed.
HB3076/Text Gun dealer licensing program
OSSA Position: Opposed,
SB0011/Text If non-citizen is being arrested, then officer is required to as if they are in possession of a firearm.
OSSA Position: Support
SB0429/Text 72+ hr waiting period and requires Permit to Purchase (PTP)
OSSA Position: Opposed.
SB0697/Text 18-20 yearold are not allowed to use/possess semiautomatic rifles or shotguns.
OSSA Position: Opposed.
SB0698/Text CHL carry restrictions
OSSA Position: Opposed.
SJR0027/Text Constitutional right to conceal carry
OSSA Position: Support
HB2172 Text Provides for CHL reciprocity
OSSA Position: Support
HB2294 Text Standardizes sentencing for crimes involving theft of a firearm
OSSA Position: Support
HB2392/Text Requires school Districts to develop, review, or revise individual student suicide prevention plans.
OSSA Position: Support
HB2396/Text HB2780/Text CHL qualifies for PTP.
OSSA Position:
- OSSA does not support PTPs, but if PTPs are implemented OSSA would support CHLs as completing the requirement.
HB2467/Text Redefines what is 'dangerous to self or others' to a judgment rather than solely actions.
OSSA Position: Oppose
- Changes definition of 'dangerous to self or others' based what officials feel is 'likely' not based solely on actions to date.
- This could become a factor in the emergency risk protection order process.
HB2606/Text HB3074/Text SB0243/Text OSP Background Check Placeholder Bill.
OSSA Position: No Position at this time. If the bills drive true efficiency improvements. However the number of duplicate bills and vague descriptions lend their use as placeholder bills for agendas not yet revealed.
HB2774/Text HB 2774 Prohibits unsupervised parenting rights if the parent commits certain acts with a gun.
OSSA Position: Could Support with Amendment
HB2889/Text Tax credit for background check costs
OSSA Position: No Position
HB3075/Text Measure 114 Rewrite and more
OSSA Position: Opposed.
- BM114 is in appeals.
HB3076/Text Gun dealer licensing program
OSSA Position: Opposed,
- FFLs are governed by BATF, no need for another governing policy
SB0011/Text If non-citizen is being arrested, then officer is required to as if they are in possession of a firearm.
OSSA Position: Support
SB0429/Text 72+ hr waiting period and requires Permit to Purchase (PTP)
OSSA Position: Opposed.
- Requires response from OSP background check with no provisions for OSP accountability for timely response to application. Therefore, this is an indefinite waiting period.
- Requires PTP; which is currently not defined, resourced, available and is held in federal and state courts.
SB0697/Text 18-20 yearold are not allowed to use/possess semiautomatic rifles or shotguns.
OSSA Position: Opposed.
- Makes use or possession of semiautomatic rifles, and shotguns by 18-20 adult illegal.
- Repeats errors that existed in prior bills.
- Makes common firearms used in High School trap programs illegal
SB0698/Text CHL carry restrictions
OSSA Position: Opposed.
- Restrictions include grounds adjacent to the building owned or controlled by the governing body.
- One must be carful where you park or walk.
SJR0027/Text Constitutional right to conceal carry
OSSA Position: Support
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